Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maybe Someday

Well, I lied. I said I would be back Monday with a new post. I lied. Isn't it obvious? I had good intentions. Honest. And here it is. Wednesday. And now post. Well, except the one I'm writing. I'm still going through in my head about the Proverbs 31 series I'm thinking about posting, but still have to work out a few things.

I started back to work last week after being gone for eight weeks on maternity leave. Oh how I hated to leave my babies. It has taken me some time to work out a routine. Thank goodness it's only for two days a week.

We've started something new with Natalie this week. No rocking to sleep! More exciting for us than her let's just say. It got to be so hard rocking her to sleep at night. I was rocking myself to sleep most of the time. Anyway, we would rock her, and she would be asleep, and as soon as you would lay her down, she would wake up and start screaming like you had just cut her big toe off. Oh it was horrible. This had been going on for like, three or four weeks. Finally, I decided no more rocking if ends up like WWIII. So we just get ready for bed, brush her teeth, have chocolate milk in hand, have "Bear", and we read a story. I'm trying to establish a routine with her so she will know what to expect. So far so bad. The first two nights were like death. She screamed for like ten minutes until I thought she was loosing her voice. Then last night. Last night was great! After our little routing, I laid her down and she cried/screamed for like one minute! I was like, YES!!! I did leave her bedroom door halfway open so I think that helped. She probably didn't feel like an old dog being kicked out. So, hopefully it will continue to get better. Fingers crossed.

Well, Natalie is extremely quiet, so you know what that means. Off I go to see what episode is next!

P.S. I hope to be back later this week!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

So It's Been a While

Wow! It's been so long since I've posted anything! Close to a month! Things have been really busy here around the Black Shack. I started back to work this week since coming off my maternity leave. It was so hard to leave precious littles, but I am so thankful that I am able to work just two days a week. David and I would love to for me to stay home full time, but we have made some unfortunate financial decisions in the past that we are now working out. But, praise the Lord, in the next couple of weeks we are about to have one credit card paid off! I'm so excited! That's just one step to becoming debt free! I know that we could be debt free faster if we stayed on budget better. It is so hard, and that is something that I have been struggling with these past few days. It is my responsibilty to make good use of my husband's VERY hard earned money. I feel so guilty when I spend money. He works so hard for our family. Actually the past three weeks he has worked six days a week! How I've missed him!

I've started couponing again which I absolutely love! Monday I went to Ingles and got $121 worth of groceries for $52 after sales and coupons! I hope I can keep that up! I also went to two consignment sales and have pretty much furnished my children's wardrobes for the summer! I got a ton of stuff cheap!

I've been thinking a lot about the Proverbs 31 woman. I'm thinking about doing a post for every verse. What do you think? I really need to delve deep into this woman and study her every move. God has really been laying this on my heart. But, I don't won't to strive for perfection, for with perfection comes the need to be without the Lord. We always need Him. If we are perfect, why do we need Him? I know that was repetitive. Just trying to get my thoughts out. Thinking out loud, so to speak.

Well, I know this post is very random. Sorry. I hope to be back on Monday with a new post. I have been thinking about different ideas. I may begin the Proverbs 31 series. We'll see! Until then, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


My little darling. She is the most precious child ever. She is such a funny little thing, too. Let me tell you a little about Miss Natalie. She was born on August 27, 2008. She weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. She was a very good baby. She cut her first tooth at eight months old and started walking at 13 months old. Her first was deer, and now she repeats EVERYTHING she hears. She loves chocolate milk, Goldfish, bananas, and her daddy. She is such a daddy's girl, and that's ok with me. I want her to think the world of him.

I am currently working hard on training her. And, let me tell you it's a struggle. I do, however, realize that training is a continuous process that will never stop until she leaves home. But, getting the initial training started as been such heartache. I think more so for me than her. I feel like she hates me. I know that I am with her more than David, so I feel like she thinks I'm the mean one. I pray so fervantly for God to give me wisdom and knowledge to do the best I can in raising her. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." That is my goal.

I'm learning myself as I am training her, but I know that it is what is best for her. I cannont spare the rod. The rod of correction. And, it can be tough at times, all times, actually, to discipline her. But Proverbs also tells us in 19:18 to "Chasten thy so while there is is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying." This gives me comfort knowing that I am training her as the Lord wants me to.

The Book of Proverbs has such great insight and advice for our everyday living. Just about everything you can think of, it's in there. God knew we would need it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Oh Why Don't I Just Go To Bed?

I do this every night. Every night after my children have laid down for sweet rest, I get my laptop, pour a glass of sweet tea, and sit and read the blogs I follow. And, I get sooooo sleepy. Sometimes I don't even remember what I've read. There's something about staying up late. I usually use the time for "me", although that sounds really selfish. When Natalie naps I "try" to get as much done as possible in the house, very quitely mind you, because she can hear a flea pass gas across the house. Oh the late nights. David usually passes out on the couch after a hard days work. It's just me and the computer. But, I get so sleepy. I'll say just five more minutes, just five more minutes. Then I'll see something that I want to read. Then I'll remember that Sawyer needs to eat in like one hour and I'm like oh I need to go to bed. But I usually don't. Why go to bed and just when I get good and asleep, someone is waking up to eat. Sorry if this seems very random and off the top off my head. It is. It's 11:43 and I probably won't remember writing this tomorrow. :)

Just Another Day

This blogging stuff is really hard. Well, not really blogging in and of itself, but trying to create the blog. Cheez. I am not the most computer savvy person in the world either, so mix that with a bunch of computer talk about "extract files" and you got yourself a messed up blog. I'm slowly learning. So if you see a different background everytime, know that I am still learning.

It's snowing at our house! Yipee! Here in the south we don't get much snow. Everybody goes all out here, too! If weatherman calls for an inch of snow, the grocery store lines are backed up for miles with people waiting with milk and bread in hand. Apparently, they think that one inch of snow will snow them in for weeks. I guess I should be a little bit more precautious, but oh well.

Natalie has been especially whiny this morning, and Sawyer has been especially spit uppy. He has a little touch of reflux and is taking a medicine for it. So far it seems to be helping. Too bad there's not a whiny pill. Actually, the wooden spoon seems to be working just fine. So I guess I will stop writing(typing, actually) now and tend to my wonderful children. I'm having to be consistently training Natalie in certain areas that we are struggling in. I'll share more on that later.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh Where to Begin...

Oh where to begin telling you all about myself is hard to do. Sometimes I have the hardest time describing myself. Not that I am a difficult or weird person. I have always for some reason had the hardest time telling someone something about who I am. Not that I don't know. So, in no particular order, rhyme or reason, letting it flow, here goes.

My name is Keisha and I have been happily married to a wonderful man, David, for almost six years. We have two beautiful children, Natalie, who is 18 months, and Sawyer, who is 6 weeks! They are the light of my eyes, and I can barely remember life before them.

I love baking, shopping, reading, pedicures, the smell of fresh cut grass, the smell of Pine-Sol because it reminds of being a little girl at home, watching TV when I get the chance, shopping, couponing, trying new recipes, playing with my littles, shopping, mowing the grass, sitting on the porch swing, shopping, the long days of summer, the colors of fall, the smell of gasoline ( I know, weird, uh?), nursing, loafin' - you know, where you just get in the car and go, no place to go; shopping, taking pictures of my littles, bubble baths, decorating, shopping, and did I mention shopping?!

I am definitely a follower. I HATE being a leader. I alway try to have a clean house, like that ever happens though when I have two little hands going behind me completely obliterating what I have just accomplished. I hate storms, especially the kind that produce tornadoes. I cannot swim. I cannot make pancakes to save my life. I make great sweet tea according to my dear husband. I hate doing laundry. I love to clean toilets. Not sure why though. I LOVE cereal. I cannot stand to think about the depth of the ocean. All that darkness below and what lurks in the darkness takes my breath away. The thought of flying in an airplane over the ocean takes my breath away. My husband takes my breath away ( I know, sappy, uh?) Christmas is my favorite holiday.

I strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman, but I will admit whole-heartedly - it's hard! All I want to be in life is a servant to my King, wife, mother, homemaker, and whatever else God lays on my heart to do or be! I want to use this blog to encourage others, or if you're like me, I like to see how people live or what their life is like. Whichever you choose is okay with me. :)