Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Oh Why Don't I Just Go To Bed?

I do this every night. Every night after my children have laid down for sweet rest, I get my laptop, pour a glass of sweet tea, and sit and read the blogs I follow. And, I get sooooo sleepy. Sometimes I don't even remember what I've read. There's something about staying up late. I usually use the time for "me", although that sounds really selfish. When Natalie naps I "try" to get as much done as possible in the house, very quitely mind you, because she can hear a flea pass gas across the house. Oh the late nights. David usually passes out on the couch after a hard days work. It's just me and the computer. But, I get so sleepy. I'll say just five more minutes, just five more minutes. Then I'll see something that I want to read. Then I'll remember that Sawyer needs to eat in like one hour and I'm like oh I need to go to bed. But I usually don't. Why go to bed and just when I get good and asleep, someone is waking up to eat. Sorry if this seems very random and off the top off my head. It is. It's 11:43 and I probably won't remember writing this tomorrow. :)

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