Saturday, March 27, 2010

So It's Been a While

Wow! It's been so long since I've posted anything! Close to a month! Things have been really busy here around the Black Shack. I started back to work this week since coming off my maternity leave. It was so hard to leave precious littles, but I am so thankful that I am able to work just two days a week. David and I would love to for me to stay home full time, but we have made some unfortunate financial decisions in the past that we are now working out. But, praise the Lord, in the next couple of weeks we are about to have one credit card paid off! I'm so excited! That's just one step to becoming debt free! I know that we could be debt free faster if we stayed on budget better. It is so hard, and that is something that I have been struggling with these past few days. It is my responsibilty to make good use of my husband's VERY hard earned money. I feel so guilty when I spend money. He works so hard for our family. Actually the past three weeks he has worked six days a week! How I've missed him!

I've started couponing again which I absolutely love! Monday I went to Ingles and got $121 worth of groceries for $52 after sales and coupons! I hope I can keep that up! I also went to two consignment sales and have pretty much furnished my children's wardrobes for the summer! I got a ton of stuff cheap!

I've been thinking a lot about the Proverbs 31 woman. I'm thinking about doing a post for every verse. What do you think? I really need to delve deep into this woman and study her every move. God has really been laying this on my heart. But, I don't won't to strive for perfection, for with perfection comes the need to be without the Lord. We always need Him. If we are perfect, why do we need Him? I know that was repetitive. Just trying to get my thoughts out. Thinking out loud, so to speak.

Well, I know this post is very random. Sorry. I hope to be back on Monday with a new post. I have been thinking about different ideas. I may begin the Proverbs 31 series. We'll see! Until then, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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