Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh Where to Begin...

Oh where to begin telling you all about myself is hard to do. Sometimes I have the hardest time describing myself. Not that I am a difficult or weird person. I have always for some reason had the hardest time telling someone something about who I am. Not that I don't know. So, in no particular order, rhyme or reason, letting it flow, here goes.

My name is Keisha and I have been happily married to a wonderful man, David, for almost six years. We have two beautiful children, Natalie, who is 18 months, and Sawyer, who is 6 weeks! They are the light of my eyes, and I can barely remember life before them.

I love baking, shopping, reading, pedicures, the smell of fresh cut grass, the smell of Pine-Sol because it reminds of being a little girl at home, watching TV when I get the chance, shopping, couponing, trying new recipes, playing with my littles, shopping, mowing the grass, sitting on the porch swing, shopping, the long days of summer, the colors of fall, the smell of gasoline ( I know, weird, uh?), nursing, loafin' - you know, where you just get in the car and go, no place to go; shopping, taking pictures of my littles, bubble baths, decorating, shopping, and did I mention shopping?!

I am definitely a follower. I HATE being a leader. I alway try to have a clean house, like that ever happens though when I have two little hands going behind me completely obliterating what I have just accomplished. I hate storms, especially the kind that produce tornadoes. I cannot swim. I cannot make pancakes to save my life. I make great sweet tea according to my dear husband. I hate doing laundry. I love to clean toilets. Not sure why though. I LOVE cereal. I cannot stand to think about the depth of the ocean. All that darkness below and what lurks in the darkness takes my breath away. The thought of flying in an airplane over the ocean takes my breath away. My husband takes my breath away ( I know, sappy, uh?) Christmas is my favorite holiday.

I strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman, but I will admit whole-heartedly - it's hard! All I want to be in life is a servant to my King, wife, mother, homemaker, and whatever else God lays on my heart to do or be! I want to use this blog to encourage others, or if you're like me, I like to see how people live or what their life is like. Whichever you choose is okay with me. :)

1 comment:

  1. It's always nice to get to know new people! i also detest doing laundry, I never told anyone I enjoy cleaning toilets because it's on the list of hated chores for most people. It's nice to know there are others out there that enjoy it too. I really don't like cleaning showers and bathtubs though.

    Welcome to the blogging world! I hope you will find it as enjoyable as I have. I will be back to visit again.

