Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maybe Someday

Well, I lied. I said I would be back Monday with a new post. I lied. Isn't it obvious? I had good intentions. Honest. And here it is. Wednesday. And now post. Well, except the one I'm writing. I'm still going through in my head about the Proverbs 31 series I'm thinking about posting, but still have to work out a few things.

I started back to work last week after being gone for eight weeks on maternity leave. Oh how I hated to leave my babies. It has taken me some time to work out a routine. Thank goodness it's only for two days a week.

We've started something new with Natalie this week. No rocking to sleep! More exciting for us than her let's just say. It got to be so hard rocking her to sleep at night. I was rocking myself to sleep most of the time. Anyway, we would rock her, and she would be asleep, and as soon as you would lay her down, she would wake up and start screaming like you had just cut her big toe off. Oh it was horrible. This had been going on for like, three or four weeks. Finally, I decided no more rocking if ends up like WWIII. So we just get ready for bed, brush her teeth, have chocolate milk in hand, have "Bear", and we read a story. I'm trying to establish a routine with her so she will know what to expect. So far so bad. The first two nights were like death. She screamed for like ten minutes until I thought she was loosing her voice. Then last night. Last night was great! After our little routing, I laid her down and she cried/screamed for like one minute! I was like, YES!!! I did leave her bedroom door halfway open so I think that helped. She probably didn't feel like an old dog being kicked out. So, hopefully it will continue to get better. Fingers crossed.

Well, Natalie is extremely quiet, so you know what that means. Off I go to see what episode is next!

P.S. I hope to be back later this week!

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