Thursday, August 26, 2010

WORD Wise Wednesday

Well, sorry this is day late. Things got kinda crazy around here yesterday evening. I had to work, and there were so many things around the house that needed to be done in preparation for the two parties we're hosting this week.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brethen, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not vain in the Lord.

Now I know we can apply this to our daily walk with God, ministering to others, as we should, but lately I have been struggling with my domestic life. You know, the whole wife, mother, housewife, homemaker, keeper at home, etc. Somedays if feels as if everything I do is not getting a job done. Especially in the mother field. You see, we have reached the "Terrible Two's" here at the Black Shack, and it seems to be affecting me. More than it probably should. When I came across this verse while reading, I just saw it in a new light. I feel my child training is completely in vain. But I need to be "stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord". Well, being a mother and all those other things is the work of the Lord. He has given me these special tasks to take care while here on the earth. So I need to lean on Him for strength and ask Him for wisdom. I'm so glad I saw this verse differently. It's just what I needed. Isn't God wonderful?!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Busy Talk

Not much has been going on today. I had to work. I work two days a week - Tuesdays and Wednesdays. My mother-in-law watches the kids on Tuesdays, and my mother watches them on Wednesdays. Other than the fact I do have to work outside the home, leaving my precious littles, paying for our unwise financial decisions, it really works out perfect. They get to spend time with "Nana". And, "Nana" loves it, too!

This evening is going to be a busy evening for us. David is going to be working outside most of the time, cleaning up the grounds in preparation for two parties that are going to be held at our house this week! My sister is having an Usborne Book Party, and Natalie's 2nd birthday party is Saturday, so we have lots going on this week!

I ordered Natalie's birthday cake today on my lunch hour. She LOVES Dora the Explorer so I got her a Dora Cupcake Cake in the shape of the number two! It is sooo cute. Last year for her first, I just had someone make her a cute little cake, no theme. So this year I thought I would do Dora. I don't think I will do other items like cups and plates and things like that in Dora. I'm not too big on character themed things. Anyways, I think it will turn out great!

Hope you have a great rest of the day! Coming up tomorrow will be "WORD Wise Wednesday", so be looking for that!

Monday, August 23, 2010

What Fun Days

Well, so far today has been a great day. David didn't have to leave for work until ten o'clock this morning, so it was nice having him around for a few extra hours. He normally leaves the house around 5:15 as it takes him about and hour and a half to get to work. Natalie of course cried when he left. She's such a Daddy's girl. So I have been puttering around the house. I got the playroom cleaned up finally and realized that my daughter has way too many toys. That she doesn't play with. Or needs. So, purging I went. And I purged. It felt so great when I was finished. Naturally as I was putting toys in the "yard sale pile" she starts yelling "Mine! Mine toys!". She starts playing with them, and she hasn't played with them for like months on end. As I was nearing the end of my purging spree, I stopped and realized that Natalie wasn't in the playroom any longer and it was awfully quite. Sawyer was in his "Jumping Johnny" (which he absolutely loves), but Natalie was nowhere to be found. So I searched the house and found her in her bedroom, in the corner, rubbing "cream" all over her body. And it wasn't "cream". It was sunblock. A whole lotta sunblock. In fact, the whole bottle of sunblock. All over the place. In the carpet, on her clean clothes that she had managed to pull out of her drawers, on her Sunday shoes that she was wearing with her clean pajamas. I had to stop in my tracks when I saw her, and turn around and go out of the room so she wouldn't see me laugh. All I could do was laugh. So, here I was at 12:15, right before our lunchtime, stripping her down to give her a bath. Oh what fun days these are!

I sit here now, in the quite hour of naptime, blogging, and wondering about what I'm going to fix for supper. I have GOT to get back to menu planning. And couponing. I used to be very into couponing, and it was saving us a lot of money each month. But, I kinda got burned out. Know what I mean? I was pouring over ads, online, and different blogs, searching for the lowest deal. I felt I was spending way too much time on it. But, I can tell a difference in our budget and our meals. I hate it when the clock reaches 5:00, and I stand in front of the refrigerator or pantry wondering what I am fixing for supper that needs to be ready by 6:30. No more of that! Anyhoo, I guess I need to get in that kitchen, and think of something good to fix!

Thanks for stopping by! Til next time!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Busy Weekend

This weekend has been very busy for us! Next Thursday I'm having an Usborne book party at my house, and the following Saturday is Natalie's birthday party. So all day today we have been trying to get the house tidied up for those two big events. We took the kids over to my mother-in-law's house for a couple of hours so David and I could work straight through without interruptions! I was amazed at how much we accomplished. We weren't just cleaning the house, we were going through stuff and purging. And boy did we have a bunch of junk! My mother is having a yard sale in the fall, so we were also gathering items for it.

Also today, we went to my grandmother's house, which is about an hour's drive, to celebrate her and my grandpa's 58th wedding anniversary! Fifty-eight years! That is truly amazing! So many couples these days end up in divorce, nearly 50% they say, it's so encouraging to see the older generation still going strong! It was so good to see everyone. It's my dad's side of the family, and we don't get to see them very often. Only about once every two or three months. More during the holidays.

I cannot believe that in less than a week, my little baby girl will be two years old! How the time flies! She is such a mess! I try to work with her, singing her songs, the Alphabet song, and various little things. Now, she walks around singing "Jesus Loves Me", counting to ten, and singing her ABC's. It's such a blessing! I love to hear her sweet little voice! Sawyer is getting so big now, too! He's seven months old and he weighs a whopping 17 pounds! He's my little chunky monk. He's on antibiotics for an ear infection and the past couple of weeks he has not felt so great. But, I can tell he's on the mend! There was one night this week that I only got three hours of sleep! I was pooped and so was he! Thankfully, I was able to catch up on some sleep over the course of a few days. Praise God he's getting better!

I know this has been a very random post, but just catching up! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend! We have church tomorrow with plenty of resting later. Till next time!