Saturday, August 21, 2010

Busy Weekend

This weekend has been very busy for us! Next Thursday I'm having an Usborne book party at my house, and the following Saturday is Natalie's birthday party. So all day today we have been trying to get the house tidied up for those two big events. We took the kids over to my mother-in-law's house for a couple of hours so David and I could work straight through without interruptions! I was amazed at how much we accomplished. We weren't just cleaning the house, we were going through stuff and purging. And boy did we have a bunch of junk! My mother is having a yard sale in the fall, so we were also gathering items for it.

Also today, we went to my grandmother's house, which is about an hour's drive, to celebrate her and my grandpa's 58th wedding anniversary! Fifty-eight years! That is truly amazing! So many couples these days end up in divorce, nearly 50% they say, it's so encouraging to see the older generation still going strong! It was so good to see everyone. It's my dad's side of the family, and we don't get to see them very often. Only about once every two or three months. More during the holidays.

I cannot believe that in less than a week, my little baby girl will be two years old! How the time flies! She is such a mess! I try to work with her, singing her songs, the Alphabet song, and various little things. Now, she walks around singing "Jesus Loves Me", counting to ten, and singing her ABC's. It's such a blessing! I love to hear her sweet little voice! Sawyer is getting so big now, too! He's seven months old and he weighs a whopping 17 pounds! He's my little chunky monk. He's on antibiotics for an ear infection and the past couple of weeks he has not felt so great. But, I can tell he's on the mend! There was one night this week that I only got three hours of sleep! I was pooped and so was he! Thankfully, I was able to catch up on some sleep over the course of a few days. Praise God he's getting better!

I know this has been a very random post, but just catching up! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend! We have church tomorrow with plenty of resting later. Till next time!

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