Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's elementary my dear Watson

Yes. That's what I told myself after my "revelation" the other night.

It's elementary my dear Watson.

So about said "revelation". I have had my priorities all wrong, and I couldn't figure out why everything was such a mess until my "revelation". I had been falling down on housework, my wifely duties, and had been extremely un-motherly the past several weeks. So while driving home the other night from my sister's house, I just poured out my heart to God. Crying the whole time while David and the kiddos slept, I just prayed and prayed. Praying to God to show me where I had gone wrong. I had been short with the children, un-wifely to David(in certain ways if you catch me), and had absolutely no energy or inspiration to lift a finger in the house. Then I would feel guilty about not doing housework, and I would not spend time with the children or David because it "had" to be done. I wasn't making the time up to them. I felt so beaten down. So guilty. I literally was lying on the couch ALL day long, and then go on a tangent to do housework. I was wallowing in self-pity and Satan took it and ran. And he ran fast. David and I hadn't been "close" because I was too "tired and worn-out". That really puts a wedge in a marriage relationship let me tell you. Physical intimacy is SO important in a marriage. Satan can drive the nail deeper too. I noticed we were short with each other. All I would do when David came home was nag about what I had not got done that day, how terrible the kids were, etc. Then the guild would come about nagging and how miserable I was feeling. It was just a big, nasty circle.

So I was just praying and sobbing in the car and it was like the Lord just said, "Will you just be quiet and listen for a second?!". Ok I'll take that as He heard me.

As I was listening to Him, I realized my priorites were terribly wrong. I was so concerned with being a homemaker first, a mother second, a wife third, and a child of God last. Oh no. It doesn't work that way. God had to shake me awake.

I need to be a child of God first; godly wife second; godly mother third; and lastly a homemaker. God was telling me,"No wonder you're such a mess! You're doing it all wrong! I WANT and HAVE to be first, and I will make all the other areas fall right into place." It didn't get much clearer than that for me. Don't you just love it when God lets you have a little "revelation" that is so elementary, but can be so hard to see?!

As women it's easy to feel like we have to do it all. Have a perfectly spotless house, have perfectly behaved children, and a perfect marriage that doesn't have to be worked at. But each time we feel like we fail, that's our reminder that "we" are supposed to fail and reach to Him to pick us back up.

Once we realize in our roles that God needs to come first, He will take care of everything else. It also means it won't be easy either. I passed a church sign just the other day that read "Faith makes everything possible, not easy." God will not give us more than we can bear. But when "we" feel like it's too much that's when we need to lean on Him.

I hope this post encourges you to put Him first in your life. I know I have defintely noticed a change. I just needed to step back and let Him take control of my life. And what's so funny is that this "revelation" that I had, I knew it all along.

He just has to sometimes whisper to us that "It's elementary my dear child".

Listen close.


  1. Excellent, excellent post! I find myself in this same boat far too often. It's so easy to put everything else that demands our "now" in front of our time with the Lord. So thankful He is gracious and merciful. Love you!

  2. God has been showing me this very same thing! He's been working the perfectionism out of me, so that I will spend more time with Him. As with every thing else in the Christian walk, it just works when you do things His way. No, I probably don't get my entire to-do list done when I spend adequate time with Him. But I'm less likely to care and more likely to maintain my joy. Or, as He did with the fish and bread, He may "multiply" my time one day -- baby may sleep a bit longer at nap, for instance. It's proving to be a hard lesson to learn for me. I want to cling to my own agenda and plans, but His way is perfect and a way of peace and joy in the home! Thanks for this post. It solidified in my heart what God is trying to teach me.

  3. I know this is an old post... but I was cleaning out my email and came across one from you with your link to this blog. I thought I'd come check it out (again... 2 yrs after the fact!).... and WOW... I really needed to hear this post today! Thank You!
