Thursday, October 10, 2013


It's been quite a long time since my last post. Like two years. And, as in anyone's life, a lot can happen in two years. Where shall I begin?!

Well, let's see. David and I celebrated NINE years of marriage this past April; Natalie turned FIVE in August; Sawyer will be FOUR in January; I am finally quitting my job in TWO months!!! Wow! That's a lot in two years! I am truly blessed.

I think what shocks me the most of what has happened in two years is... well, all of it! It seems impossible to think David and I have been married for almost ten years. I remember my wedding day like it happened two weeks ago. And here we are, nine years later. Deeply blessed and thankful of all God has done for our family.

Here are our two little monkeys. It's hard to imagine I have a five and three year old. Geez Louise.

They are growing like little cute weeds. And I love these weeds dearly. We have officially started homeschooling around here. Natalie is in kindergarten and I've been doing some preschool stuff with Sawyer. Some days he doesn't want to do school, and other days he does. At his age I'm not making him. He's going to be in school for quite sometime. No need to rush things. Natalie is doing pretty good in her work. I'm having to focus my attention on her, well, attention span. Or the lack there of. But, we're both new to this and we're getting the kinks worked out.

Among other news, I mentioned earlier that I was quitting my job. YIPPEE!!! I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! Since I've been working at the ripe old age of 15, we are finally able for me to stay at home. And it's all because of God. This would never have happened if it weren't for His goodness shown toward us. For the last 10 years, my husband has worked and hour and a half away from home. This year his dear uncle retired from an auto transmissions shop that just so happens to be six miles from our house. And it just so happens my husband's line of work is rebuilding transmissions. Huh. Funny how that works, isn't it? So dear said uncle just so happens to ask my husband if he would like to take over said transmission shop. And it just so happens my husband said "yes". It was more like a "YEEESSSS", after much prayer and discussion. I like to think that it wasn't "just so happens". I like to believe God knew what He was doing all along. I still have a hard time believing that I am actually leaving the work force in December, Lord-willing, but I'm just praising God for His goodness on our family.

Hopefully I can get a regular posting schedule down. I went back and re-read all my past posts and realized how much I missed writing those handful of thoughts. I had forgotten a lot of the things I had written about Natalie. I know a few people who use blogging as a sort of journal - to keep up with life. I like that idea.

I hope life has found you well, and I hope you are finding yourself drawing closer to God and thanking Him for His boundless love and mercy. Have a wonderful week!


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