Monday, February 28, 2011

Sweet Words

It seems somedays all that comes out of my two-year old is quotations from Dora the Explorer, the infamous "No!", or something else she has made up. Today was very special. Especially for me.

It all began two years ago when we would tell Natalie we loved her every night before she went to bed. We would also tell her we loved her at different times of the day. Here lately she has been telling us after we tell her as she is getting in her bed. But was very special. She told me she loved me FIRST! It may not seem like a big deal, but she has always only told me she loved me after I tell her. My heart lept for joy! I immediately told her I loved her too, and I scooped her up and gave her big ol' hug. What joys these days of motherhood are bringing my way.

She has also been telling me to sing "The Garden Song". I couldn't think of what she was talking about because I don't remember singing a song about a garden. Anyhoo, she started singing it today. It was soooooooo sweet! She sings "I come to da garden awone, wher da dew is still on da roses. And da boice I hear fallin on my ear...". That's all she knew of the song, but it was the most beautiful words ever to this mamma's ears. I had her sing it to David when he came home. He loved it!

I cherish these days with my little ones. Somedays it seems the day will never end because the children have been crying, whining, and the like. But, that's all part of it. I'm so thankful God placed these children in my care. Somedays I forget that He chose ME to raise and care for these particular children. He knows that there is something in me that is exactly what they need to grow and to learn. And, also to point them to Him to use for His glory. I pray that God would grant me wisdom to care for and to teach these little ones for Him.

I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was great! Nothing planned that we had to go to, and those are my favorite weekends where we just "wing it". I had two migraines yesterday. One in the afternoon that finally went away, and just about 7:30 I had another one creep up on me. David was fantastic and helped out tremendously with the children. He does so much for me!

Until next time!

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