Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Long Time No Talk

Hello again all my blogger friends! Long time no talk! Things have been going great around here! Natalie just turned 21 months and Sawyer is now 4 months! My babies are growing up!

Well, needless to say, I have been super busy lately. My birthday is Sunday (yea!) and my parents and sister and her family is coming over to my house for my birthday dinner! We are having lasagna! Yummo. We used to go out to eat for everybody's birthday, but six combined children later, and it gets really hard to do. You go to the restaurant full of people, wait for a table, wrestle the kids, sit down, order, wait 30 minutes or more for your food, wrestle the kids, eat, and then go home. We never felt we could really visit with one another so we have just this year decided to just at home for birthdays. Plus, it's a lot cheaper! Cheaper is always good!

Speaking of cheap, I recently went to CVS with my sister and got some really good deals. I did three transactions, but I got two Gillette shower gels, two tubs of Huggies wipes, and a MEGA pack of Huggies diapers, and I only paid $7.65 for ALL of it! The diapers were regular $17.99, but were clearanced for some reason to $8.99. I had coupons for most things and a few ECBs(Extra Care Bucks) to use, but I didn't come out with ECBs to use next time. Oh well. Still got some great stuff cheap! To learn more about CVS and how to play the drugstore game check out this post by Money Saving Mom. I love me some Money Saving Mom! Also, Southern Savers is a really great site for grocery store chains. She does the coupon matchups for stores like Publix and Kroger.

A side note, please check out this post my sister recently put up! It's very thought-provoking and encouraging!

Well, I best be getting off here. I have got lots of things to do tonight. Like a gazillion loads of laundry. Fun times.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Keisha!!! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! I am so so glad God was able to use me to speak to your heart! :)

    You asked me a question or two and I am happy to answer..but I didn't know if you wanted to email or if you wanted me to just leave my thoughts in a comment like this? :)

    If you want to email me...here is my email~
    thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

    Katy :)
