Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Household Planner

About two months ago, I saw this post about a home planner. I was so very inspired by the organization of it all and at that time in my life I was desperate for organization. I was always feeling as if I would always be "doing" things in the house but I rarely saw progress. This has changed everything! And it's so easy! I really like how you can create your own binder any way you like it. I have tabs for my planner, menu planning, goals, finances, prayer requests, and homeschool activities for Natalie. I also like the idea that it's all in one place. I would definitely recommend compiling one because it has saved me so much time having everything organized and all in one place. I know that was just repetitive. Anyhoo. So. In my planner section I have different pages for my master to-do-list, my daily to-do-list, and my weekly evaluation sheet. On my master to-do-list I write down things I would like to do that week or even that month, and as I plan my daily to-do-list I can gather some chores off of the master list to fit in my daily list. I also will write down to spend time with Natalie and Sawyer. And, I know that sounds totally insane, but I always felt as if I were putting them on the back burner, so to speak, and realize by the end of the day I hadn't spent quality time with them. My weekly evaluation sheet is from an ebook and it has been a great help. I review my past week and write down things that have room for improvement(which is a lot!)in the Fruit of the Spirit. Also, there is a place where I can write down better ways to bless my husband, love my children, etc. I LOVE my home planner!

I will try to post pictures later this week of my home planner so you can have an idea of what mine looks like!

Till next time...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

These Little Feet

I was sitting in church this evening and had to go back to the nursery to nurse Sawyer. As I sat there on the couch, I was checking him over. Any time I'm feeding him I always look at him. Look in his ears, rub his head, rub his feet. As I was looking at his feet - so tiny they are. Then I thought, "Someday, these little feet will be bigger than mine". That thought sadden me. Natalie and Sawyer will be grown one day. And that one day will come so soon. They will be older longer than they will be young. And that made me realize that all those times that I "need" to get things done around the house as Natalie looks up to me and says "holds you" can wait. It won't be too much longer and she will not won't me to "holds her". Ah, these fleeting years. They too shall pass. The laundry, it will be there tomorrow. The dust bunnies can enjoy being there one more day. The bathrooms can mildew one day longer. I don't want to look back on these years when my children are gone and wish I had held my babies longer. Mothers, let us love on these little feet all we can, for these little feet will soon be grown.

What's Happening Lately

Well, things have been busy here around the Black shack. I seem to finally be adjusting to life with two small children. I love it. At times it seems chaotic, like, when I'm rocking Natalie for her nap and Sawyer is in his bed crying/screaming because he's hungry. But, I just have to roll up my sleeves and just get by. I have so much admiration for my sister who has 4 children under the age of five. I hope to have the wisdom she has to raise my two children and hopefully more!

Natalie is doing great these days! The training sessions seem to be moving right along. She seems to be obeying these days on the first command. But, there are days where she needs discipline. She is staring to put more sentences together, and it is soooo cute. I love her little voice. For instance, I can say, "I love you, Natalie", and she will say "Wub you". It is so precious. It's hard to imagine she will be two in August!

Sawyer is doing great, too! He is now three months old! I took him last Thursday to have his pictures made, and he did so good! They turned out wonderful! He's more photogenic than Natalie was at that age. His little personality is shining through now. He loves for you to talk to him, and his little nostrils will flare, and he'll start cooing at you. It's so sweet.

I have totally been inspired by the book Passionate Housewives Desperate For God. It has so changed the way I look at my roll as a wife and homemaker. I encourage every woman no matter what age or season in life they are in to read this book. One point in the book that has really stuck with me is that in order for me to be fulfilling my role as wife, mother, homemaker, etc., I need to live as Christ. And, I know you're thinking, "Shouldn't every born-again Christian live as Christ?". Yes, but I never saw it in this light. The Bible speaks that Christ came not to be served, but to serve others. HELLO! Every day as Christians we must die to self to live for Christ, and as wives/mothers/homemakers we must die to self to serve our family. That's what we were created for. To be a help meet for husband, and therefore taking care of our family! I never saw it in that light before. This age that we live in is so set on "self". I know there are days where I just want "me time". But, that's not what it needs to be about. My "me time" needs to be about my husband and children! Please, if you have the time, read this book. But don't overlook the most important one, God's Word.

I know this post was scattered and I hope to be back to blogging regularly. I have been away so long! I now have to get off here and work on my menu plan for the week! Have a great week everyone!!!