Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So Thankful

It's safe to say that this week so far has been MUCH better than last week. I poured my heart out to the Lord and my sweet husband the other night. Things were brighter. My husband graciously listen to my "problems" and just gave me a big 'ole hug and told me he loved me and that I was doing a great job at being his children's mother. Since that meltdown, I have undoubtedly seeked God for His wisdom and greater appreciation for my children. I needed a change of heart. The change is still is coming, but I can certainly tell it has arrived.

Sometimes, when the going gets rough and tough, it's easy(for me anyways) to view our children as a "job". Something that we have to "look after" until the next day, and start all over again. I found myself doing that a lot lately. I kept seeing my children, or their needs, as just something else I had to do. I was burned up and burned out. But, praise God, He's totally refreshed my soul and is slowly teaching me to ENJOY these days that my children are still babies. One day, in the not so distant future, they will be leaving my house, it will be quiet, and I will be sad. I will be longing to hear the pitter patter of little feet, see the crayon scribble all over the wall, and wipe a dirty mouth covered in cheese puffs. Yes... I will. I'm so thankful for the refreshed spirit sent by the Holy Spirit. I don't want to ever view my role as a mother as "just another task". I know I will have many days to come that I will feel weary.

Please don't take what I'm saying the wrong way. Every mother know exactly what I'm talking about when I say I was burned out. I'm so thankful though that I know and serve a God Who is so much bigger than me, and He is so faithful to supply my every need. I love my children dearly with all my heart and being. I want to continue in looking at them ALWAYS as our gift from God, that He has entrusted us with these little bodies and minds to look after and bring them up however He sees fit.


  1. God knows we are not perfect just human. I find myself crying out to God more often. Stress of everyday life & never enough time are always a bit to much. What really matters is our relationship with God & our salvation. The house dust & dirty dishes will wait. For a while. Even the cobwebs in the corner too. Time spent with our littles and God are more important. Life is grand even when I am tired. Blessings to you & yours!

  2. Hello Keisha! I got your comment, on my blog, just before heading to bed! :)

    You asked about the bread and keeping it fresh. Truly, we use it up so quickly, that it doesn't have time to go bad! :) I keep it in bags with twist ties or a ziploc-type bag, once it is used a bit and small enough to fit in one.
    We use our bread at supper, for sandwiches in Chris's lunch, for toast for breakfast in the morning etc. We use our bread up quickly...so no need for preserving it. :o)
    I make, usually, at least 4 loaves of bread per week. Sometimes more, depending on if we are visiting family or friends and I make take a loaf with me. :)

    Baking your own bread is rewarding, healthy and tastes wonderful! Your family will love it! **Although, know that once they get used to your homemade bread...they will never want store-bought again! ;) I homemake my hamburger buns and everything, as well...and they are just delicious!

    Best of luck with it and if you have any questions or if I can be of help to you at all...please, email me at anytime!

    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

    Katy :)
